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Le voyage ne s'arrête vraiment jamais. CAO Dessinateur projeteur, Designer d'espace, Direction Delphine Aimée Sylvia Laguionie, Française, Moca Design Studio // MOCA'S SARL AU ICE 000227060000071 Bd. Allal Fassi Imm. 12 Appt. 5 Bur N°4 Lot. Sine - Marrakech Royaume du Maroc FR+33 651499767 delphine.laguionie@gmail.com carinela77@hotmail.com

18 mai 2010

Exercise OSHouse Competition / The TWI House, Substainable Housing for Accra, Ghana

The TWI HOUSE is a system multipliable Twi module that composes a set called home. The system comprises an ecological, economical, comfortable and contemporary population burgeoning middle classes of the city of Accra in Ghana. The advantage of independent modules can be easily integrated on various sites of implantation.